

活动时间 2024年4月29日(周一)9:30-12:00 活动地点 清华大学碳中和研究院多功能厅(清华科技园C座18层)
主讲嘉宾 Steven P. Hamburg、Jiang Lin

2024年4月29日,碳中和与能源智联(CNEST)前沿讲座第1期将在清华大学碳中和研究院多功能厅举办。活动将邀请美国环保协会(EDF)首席科学家兼高级副总裁Steven P. Hamburg、美国劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室中国能源政策Nat Simons讲席科学家Jiang Lin进行主题演讲,并就相关话题进行交流讨论。欢迎报名参加!








9:30 - 9:40


9:40 - 10:20


Introduction to MethaneSAT

Steven P. Hamburg



10:20 - 11:00


Accelerating offshore wind development enhances energy security and promotes carbon neutrality in China’s coastal regions

Jiang Lin

美国劳伦斯·伯克利国家实验室中国能源政策Nat Simons讲席科学家


11:00 - 12:00





Steven P. Hamburg

Dr. Steven P. Hamburg is the Chief Scientist and Senior Vice President at Environmental Defense Fund. He is responsible for ensuring that EDF’s advocacy is based on the best available science. In a separate capacity, he serves as the Executive Manager for MethaneSAT, an EDF subsidiary which successfully launched a groundbreaking methane monitoring satellite on March 4, 2024. Dr. Hamburg chairs the Scientific Oversight Committee of UNEP International Methane Emissions Observatory.

Dr. Hamburg also serves as a co-chair of the Solar Radiation Management Governance Initiative (joint project of Royal Society, The World Academy of Science, EDF) and serves on the US National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine Division on Earth and Life Sciences Advisory Board as well as other university/government advisory boards. He also sits on the International Science Expert Advisory Committee for Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences.

Prior to joining EDF, Dr. Hamburg spent 25 years on the faculties of Brown University and the University of Kansas. He has served as a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and was recognized as one of the scientists contributing to the award of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

Dr. Hamburg received his undergraduate degree from Vassar College and his MFS and PhD from Yale University in Ecosystem Ecology. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Stanford University and a Bullard Fellow at Harvard University.

Jiang Lin

Dr. Jiang Lin is the Nat Simons Presidential Chair in China Energy Policy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, a Staff Scientist at its Department of Energy Market and Policy, and an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the University of California at Berkeley. Dr. Lin's research is focused on energy and climate policy, energy and emissions pathways with a focus on non-CO2 GHGs (methane, F-gas, and etc.), electricity market and planning, low-carbon economic transition and appliance efficiency issues in China. From 2016-2020, he was a co-Director of the Berkeley-Tsinghua Joint Research Center on Energy and Climate Change, a collaborative initiative between Berkeley Lab, the University of California-Berkeley, and Tsinghua University in China.

From 2007-2016, Dr. Lin was a Vice President and the Director of the Energy Foundation's China Sustainable Energy Program (2007-2013) and Senior Vice President for Strategy and Analysis (2014-2016). Dr. Lin managed the growth of Energy Foundation China into one of the largest international NGOs devoted to promoting clean energy and climate solutions in China. Before joining the Energy Foundation, Dr. Lin was previously at LBNL from 1994-2007, conducting research in the Appliance Standards and China Energy Groups.

Dr. Lin has a PhD in Demography from the University of California-Berkeley, an MS in Population Studies and BS from the Department of Cybernetics Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China.

上一篇:Insights from Cell Editors

